A showcase of Llama Steeds's best features.
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Who said you need a horse to ride into the sunset?
Have you dreampt of riding a llama? Well now you can! With this astonishingly simple mod, you can saddle your llama and ride it as if it were a horse. ## Ride a Llama in 3 Easy Steps: 1. Tame your llama 2. Place a saddle on your llama 3. Ride off into the sunset ## Extras - Llamas will form caravans behind the llama you ride. - Adds the `maxLlamaCaravanLength` gamerule, which defines how long a caravan can be. ## Technical Details Llama Steeds was originally developed out of my love for llamas in Minecraft and a desire to learn how mixins work. Mixins essentially allow you to modify obfuscated Java code (e.g. Minecraft's) at runtime (when you play the game). At its core, Llama Steeds modifies the llama code with mixins to let them be saddled, which is [literally 11 lines of code as of Minecraft 1.20.2, including all imports the class needs to work](https://github.com/justinhschaaf/LlamaSteeds/blob/509b3dc276bee5201fd2733c8523ab451d708eca/src/main/java/com/justinschaaf/llamasteeds/mixins/LlamaMixin.java). Slightly more complicated mixins modify llama caravans to implement the other features. ## Where Can I Get This Masterpiece? - [Curseforge](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/llama-steeds) - [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/justinhschaaf/LlamaSteeds/releases) - [Modrinth](https://modrinth.com/mod/llama-steeds)